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Publicly Available Software

Please feel free to use the software I have developed however you see fit. I am happy to provide assistance or collaborate on projects which align with my research goals, but you are welcome to use my software without my involvement. Tasks intended for remote testing were developed based on the Acoustical Society of America Remote Testing Task Force Guidelines.

Speech Recognition

A common task structure in our research is to play a stimulus, such as a sentence or list of digits, which the participant repeats to the best of their ability. The experimenter records and transcribes participant responses for later analysis. This task was implemented in jsPsych and hosted using a JATOS server hosted by Boys Town, which allows participants to complete these tasks through a web browser on their own computers.


Listen and Repeat - Example Source Code


We use a variety of cognitive tasks to assess individual differences in ability. It is advantageous to assess cognitive ability with a variety of tasks to diminish the effect of task-specific variance, so we prefer tasks which are fast and easy to understand.


Visual Free Recall - Example - Source Code

Numerical Updating - Example Source Code

Running Span - Example - Source Code

Flanker - Example

Raven's Progressive Matrices - Example


Spectral and temporal modulation detection thresholds widely vary across individuals with cochlear implants and contribute to differences in speech recognition outcomes. We implemented 3 alternative forced choice adaptive modulation detection tasks to estimate detection thresholds in jsPsych, which allows these tasks to be conducted through a web browser. If you need more advanced dynamic stimulus generation than Javascript is capable of, consider using Matlab web app server to host experiments.


Temporal and Spectral Amplitude Modulation Detection - Modulation Detection Examples - Source Code

Frequency Importance Weighting

The amount of information in speech varies across spectral frequency. We developed a method of quickly estimating frequency band importance on an individual basis, which is useful when characterizing speech recognition difficulties in heterogeneous populations, such as patients with hearing loss. The software provided here was developed in MATLAB to create a set of auditory stimuli which can be used to estimate frequency importance and analyze participant responses. These stimuli can be presented in the speech recognition software mentioned above to conduct an experiment.


Individual Frequency Weight Estimation - ExampleSource Code

Frequency Weight Estimation in Noise and Two-Talker Babble - Source Code

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